Operation 36 on GSPro

What Is Operation 36 on GSPro? – A Fun Way To Learn Golf

You may have noticed a new practice feature called Operation 36 on GSPro, and thought what is this? What I can tell you is that it is a brand-new play mode that will challenge you to be a better golfer in a fun environment.

Operation 36 on GSPro is something that can be enjoyed by the whole family and is a fun way to get your kids to learn golf. Let’s dive into the details of this fun new practice mode on GSPro.

What is Operation 36?

Operation 36 is a developmental golf program designed to guide beginners from playing their first round to shooting par or better for 9 holes. The program was founded in 2010 by Matthew Reagan and Ryan Dailey as an attempt to create a long-term junior golf development program. It has since grown to over 700 program locations led by over 2,000 golf professionals.

The program provides a clear path for golfers of all ages and abilities to improve their golf game. The program starts from a manageable distance and gradually moves towards the full tee box as their skills develop. It consists of weekly group classes, encouraging a playing format that gradually challenges new golfers. The name “Operation 36” comes from the goal of trying to shoot 36 (par or better) for 9 holes, which is the foundation of the program’s playing format. The program is not only for juniors but also for adults who are looking to learn and improve their game.

The developmental program that started as a live weekly class, can now be done from your home golf simulator on GSPro.

What Is Operation 36 on GSPro?

Operation 36 has now partnered with GSPro to offer their developmental program on your home golf simulator. Within the Practice Mode of GSPro, you will find this new feature.

Currently, GSPro offers Operation 36 on three courses, Whispering Pines, Premonition, and Top of the World. These are three of the best fantasy courses designed on GSPro, but there is a hope that they will open up the program to other famous real-life courses in the future.

As in the real-life program, the GSPro version has 10 levels starting with Level 1 at 25 yards. The levels increase gradually, with Level 2 being 50 yards, Level 3 being 100, and peaking at Level 10 where you will have to play the par 4 course from 400 yards. The goal remains to shoot 36 (par or better) for 9 holes.

Level 125 yards
Level 250 yards
Level 3100 yards
Level 4150 yards
Level 5200 yards
Level 6220-230 yards
Level 7250-270 yards
Level 8300-320 yards
Level 9350-370 yards
Level 10400+ yards

Each time you achieve a score of 36 or better on a level you unlock the next level. Higher levels cannot be played until you pass the previous level. This gradual increase in difficulty ensures that you only play at the level your current skill is capable of. This is also a great way to track your skill progress and improvements in the Operation 36 program.

If your launch monitor allows putting you will be expected to putt out the holes as the gimme range is set to a challenging 4 feet. The putting aspect is crucial to get the full benefits of the program as it is one of the best skills that can be improved through Operation 36 on GSPro. 

How Can Operation 36 on GSPro Improve Your Game?

When Tiger Woods learned to play golf he said his father taught him from the green outwards to the tee box. This is exactly what Operation 36 on GSPro aims to do. 

Can you lag a putt to inside 4 feet for a gimme? Can you make a pressure putt from just outside 6 feet to save par? Do you know what club, and length of swing you need to pin hunt from 50 yards out? Do you know how to hit to a specific number off the tee, to give yourself the perfect yardage for an approach shot?

Operation GSPro will teach you to all that, and more. 

Thinking Strategically

Thinking Strategically

I think what I found the most valuable in Operation 36 was learning to be more strategic on the golf course. It made me understand what it takes to play “par” golf. It was a grind, especially at higher levels, and as the difficulty increased I kept thinking to myself just find a way to get in for par.

When you adopt that mentality you start thinking about your shots differently. If you are a person who can hit his drive 230 yards off the tee, I can guarantee you the first time you played that level you took out your driver and tried to drive the green. Am I right?, don’t worry I did the same. It is in our nature to try to make the hero shot and have that bragging right, but more often than not, it is not the right play, and Operation 36 on GSPro helped teach me this.

Can we pass the level by trying to overpower the course, and driving the ball close for an easy chip, of course, we can. But, I found myself more often than not in the rough, in a sand trap, OB, or worse in the water. I scored my best scores when I took an iron off the tee to 50 yards out, placing myself in the middle of the fairway with a great angle to attack the green. Oh, and how did I know what club to pull from 50 yards, well I knew that from level 2 when I had to hit 9 straight shots from that distance.

Operation 36 has created a perfect developmental program, that will have you using the skills you crafted on previous levels, to pass future ones.

Pressure Putting

Pressure Putting 2

I enjoyed that Operation 36 made the gimme range challenging at 4 feet. I think often both on our golf simulator and in real life we extend that gimme range a lot further. We avoid any situation where we have to make a putt with any sort of pressure.

We will pick up balls, and say “It’s good right”, or hit a ball half-heartily, and when we miss we just say “Oh I wasn’t trying, mark me down for par”. By nature, on the course, we avoid having to make a pressure putt like the plague, and by avoiding it we are just cheating ourselves.   

We are not developing the skill of making a putt when there are stakes on the line. If we miss a putt, we just write it off and think oh it’s just another stroke. That mentality of just throwing away strokes, and refusing to try to develop the “clutch” element of our game is a major area of weakness for the casual golfer. I was very much guilty of it, and Operation 36 on GSPro made me look at it differently.

I felt more nervous about putting on Operation 36 than I have most times on a real course. I felt more excitement sinking a 6 footer to save par than I ever have. Why because those putts had stakes to it. It created a real-world environment of pressure, that by nature I cheat myself from experiencing because I avoid placing value on these putts in real life.

Operation 36 on GSPro taught me what it feels like to make a pressure putt. It developed the skill of being confident over a putt knowing I can make it. On the course, I will have both the skills and confidence needed to be a better putter in pressure situations. This was something I was not expecting to learn from this Operation 36 practice mode, but it was very valuable in developing my skills as a golfer.

Having A Goal: Envision Success, and Achieve It

Have A Goal

How often do we go into a round of golf with an actual goal in mind? I never think ok I am shooting 80 today, that’s my objective. We go out there, and just try to will ourselves to a good score. That mentality seems counter-intuitive to success, how can you achieve if you don’t have a goal?

Operation 36 on GSPro gave me a goal. For each level, I had a target score, and I thought wow, I never do that on the course. The by-product of that is that every shot had value. For me to play even par, especially on harder levels I couldn’t afford to throw away even one short.

When we have a goal we become invested in achieving it, and we focus more. We ask ourselves what will it take to achieve that goal, and when we fail we learn why it happened. I learned how to golf with a goal on Operation 36 on GSPro. I don’t always have to achieve it to be successful, but I think having a goal and striving towards it makes you a better golfer.

Operation 36 on GSPro Is Fun For The Whole Family

Operation 36 on GSPro Fun For the Whole Family

Operation 36 was designed with the junior golfer in mind, and it shows. This program is not only extremely effective in building skills for kid golfers, but it does so in a manner that is fun for them.

Operation 36 gives kids a very tangible target to start their golfing journey. Starting at a 25-yard distance allows the golfer to hit a ball off the tee, and putt. More importantly, the budding golfer can feel success, and results. That effect works twofold, the sense of accomplishment makes them feel good, resulting in them wanting to continue to learn, and achieving success is fun.

Operation 36 on GSPro takes the base Operation 36 program a few of steps further.

Gamfying Golf: Kids tend to see a golf simulator as a giant video game. A golf simulator makes a child feel as if they are playing a game, and not learning. They don’t feel as if they are taking a weekly lesson, they feel they are playing a game at home with mom and dad. 

Bringing The Lesson Home: The hardest part about getting kids to golf lessons, is to get them excited about attending. They always feel it is on your schedule, not theirs, and you are left dragging them to a lesson against their will. This results in the child not being engaged or listening while in the lesson. With Operation 36 on GSPro, the lesson is right at home. They can play when they want, and you will find them asking you to play, rather than the other way around. When it is on their schedule your young golfer is going to be much more engaged, and interested in learning. That’s a valuable tool in teaching kids.

Family Time: Operation 36 on GSPro is an excellent practice mode because it can be done at a level where all families can play. It is not too daunting, it is inclusive, and everyone can feel they can have success. This creates a beautiful activity that every member of the family can participate in, offering invaluable time together playing, smiling, laughing, and having fun. You cannot put a price tag on that.


I am surprised how much I enjoyed, and was invested in Operation 36 on GSPro. I was not expecting to be as invested in this mode as I was. Once I started I found myself playing this mode, more than anything else on my simulator. It ignites your competitive spirt, and pushes you to learn by achieving.

Operation 36 on GSPro teaches you how to navigate the golf course smarter, puts you in real life situations where you have to act under pressure, and it develops the mentality of setting a goal, and achieving it.

While adults are enjoying this practice mode, it was ultimately designed for kids to learn golf, and it is very effective in doing that. It stimulates a sense of achievement in a child, in a fun environment. The mode will have even the non-golf enthusiasts in your household wanting to join in on the fun. It is a massive addition and partnership for GSPro, they knocked this one out of the park. If you haven’t already give this practice mode a try.

Hi, I'm Jeff Ross, and my golfing journey began over 25 years ago, marked by a shaky swing and more slices than I'd like to admit. Despite the initial challenges, my profound love for the game took root, and I realized that golf had a hold on me—an enduring grip that pushed me to improve daily. Today, with half my life still ahead, I remain committed to this beautiful game, viewing each mulligan and unexpected success as a chapter in a larger narrative of growth. Eager to share my passion for golf, I'm driven by a desire to assist others on their own journeys. Together, let's explore new skills, embrace evolving technology, and delve into teachings that propel us forward while maintaining an unwavering passion for this beautiful game.

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