How much room do you need for a golf simulator? The easy answer is as much as needed to be able to swing a golf club freely.
The reality is that golf simulators are taking big strides in the dimensions that are available making rooms of different shapes and sizes now able to work. Let’s start with the basics, and expand.
Ideal Room Size For A Golf Simulator

The ideal room size for a golf simulator is 14 feet wide, by 18 feet deep, with 10 feet ceiling. This should be enough space to swing all of your clubs freely. In a perfect world that is the minimum size you would you would be starting with. Don’t panic, if these are not the dimensions you are dealing with. You do not have to abandon your golf simulator dreams. Many much smaller rooms have been able to accommodate a golf simulator setup. Let’s look at the minimum size requirements for a home golf simulator room.
Minimum Room Size For A Golf Simulator
The minimum room size for a golf simulator is 10 feet wide, by 10 feet deep with 8.5 feet ceiling. Depending on the size of the individual golfer, you may be able to get away with a few inches lower. With an 8-foot ceiling height, you likely will not be able to swing your driver, and will only be able to use your irons, and for some that still will be enough to go forth with an indoor golf simulator.
The best and truest test for a golf simulator room size is to grab your own clubs, stand in the room, and test your swing. Start with the longest club in your bag (likely driver). If you can swing it easily, without alternating your swing, then the room should have enough room. If the driver is hitting the ceiling or walls, club down, and see what club you can swing freely.
How much room do you need for a golf simulator, can come down to if you are willing to use a smaller space to hit just your irons. Is it ideal, no, but I think many golfers would take a home golf simulator that is restricted to just their irons, then none at all. Speaking first hand I can tell you that owning a golf simulator has done wonders for my short game, and if you want to improve your game with a golf simulator working on your short game is far more important than being able to hit your driver.
What Launch Monitor Works Is Best For Your Room Size?
This is an important question most golf simulator shoppers fail to ask. For instance, different launch monitors have different space requirements. Many of the popular budget portable launch monitors need to be set up 6-8 feet behind the ball and will require another 8-10 feet to the impact screen. Making the minimum requirement for this launch monitor around 14 feet deep. Whereas some other launch monitors line up parallel with the ball on the side, and others are placed overhead requiring no additional space behind the golfer.
Let’s have a look at the ideal space requirements for each type of launch monitor.
Behind The Ball Launch Monitor (Garmin R10, Flightscope Mevo +, Rapsodo MLM2)

- Swing Area: 7 feet around the golfer in every direction
- Distance from hitting screen: 10′-12′
- Ceiling Height: 9′-10′
- Launch Monitor to be placed between 8 feet behind the ball
Side Ball Launch Monitors (GC3/Quad, Bushnell Launch Pro, SkyTrak/+)

- Swing Area: 7 feet around the golfer in every direction (could be less behind)
- Player’s distance from hitting screen: 10′-12′
- Ceiling Height: 9′-10′
Overhead Launch Monitors (Uneekor Eye XO/XO2, GCHawk/Falcon)

- Swing Area: 7′ around the golfer in every direction (could be less behind)
- Player’s distance from hitting screen: 10′-12′
- Launch Monitor must be mounted 9-10.5 ft from the ground
- Must be mounted 3.5 to 4 feet from the front of the tee
Different Room Sizes? – Consult a Proffesional
As I stated previously more and more rooms with less than ideal sizes can fit a golf simulator. Some sacrifices may need to be made to accommodate the unique dimensions of the room, but there are many creative ways to make the space work. If you’re working with less than ideal space I would seek the help of a professional. Many companies are more than happy to offer some professional advice to help make your space work for you. My recommendation is either Carl’s Place or Rain or Shine Golf.
Carl’s Place

Carl’s Place is the leader in golf simulator enclosures. Their enclosures, are known around the industry as the best on the market. Their top of the line DIY enclosure comes in sizes as small as 7.7 feet in height, demonstrating that they also feel there is a market for golf simulator rooms with ceilings that are only 8 feet in height.

They have an excellent technical service that maps your entire room and shows you exactly where to set everything up to meet your unique space. The service is a paid one, but they provide a full blueprint to help even the strangest room designs work. If you are willing to pay to get the design of your golf simulator room correct, Carl’s is the way to go.
Rain or Shine Golf

If you are not wanting to pay a fee for a design service, then I would recommend Rain or Shine Golf. They offer a free 30-minute consultation to answer any question you have concerning your golf simulator room size. If you are wondering how much room do you need for a golf simulator room, they will be able to guide you through the process. Their professional assistance will let you know exactly what you can achieve with your home space.
Conclusion: How Much Room Do You Need For A Golf Simulator?
While there are recommended and ideal sizes for a golf simulator room, there is not a direct answer as to how much room do you need for a golf simulator. The reality is that there are many shapes, and sizes that can work. The real-world test will always be swinging your own clubs in the space, and verifying which clubs can be swung freely.
Once you establish that the club can be swung without altering your natural swing, you will need to see what launch monitor works best for your room. If you need any help with picking a launch monitor or have questions about the size of your room being big enough, consult a professional. They may be able to see a solution for your space that you are missing, it does not hurt to give them a try with a free consultation. Best of luck to you, and I hope you find the perfect room in your home to make your golf simulator dreams a reality.
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